Tuesday, January 10, 2023


5 Amazing Benefits Your Body gets from Drinking Water First Thing in the Morning

Amazing benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning

Water is essential to your body's health and processes. For your body to run smoothly, you need to consume enough water throughout the day.


How about starting your day with a morning glass of water?


It might sound overrated, but drinking water on an empty stomach has many benefits. As easy as it may sound, many people do not do it. In this article, we will analyze these benefits.


1. Boosts Your Brain Performance

 Did you know your brain is about 75% water?

drinking water first thing in the morning boosts your brain performance

Well, that gives you the concept of how crucial it is to drink water to keep your brain healthy. Staying hydrated causes your brain to function at its optimal level. According to a study, hydration affects short memory and attention. Students who drank water did well in their academics.

The outcome was because of the effect of hydration on concentration, attention, and short-term memory.

Even better, begin your day with a glass of water. It will increase your mental performance. You will stay alert and on the ball.

2. Helps With Other Body Functions

Enough water intake is suitable for many body processes. It keeps your body healthy and satisfied. Some of these processes include:

Enhancing Kidneys Performance

For kidneys to function well, water is necessary. Minerals and nutrients are dissolved with the help of water, making them available to the body. Removal of waste products from the body is also done by water.

Drinking water first thing in the morning help the kidney to function well


Dehydration can cause the kidneys not to function correctly. Kidneys not working well can cause extra fluids and waste products to build up inside your body. Drinking water helps with waste removal and many other functions for your well-being.

Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs are one of the most everyday types of infections in the body. A study conducted in 2010 shows that drinking more water may prevent urolithiasis. You can reduce the risk of developing a UTI or help treat an existing one by drinking sufficient water.



Other Processes Include:


  • Lubricating the joints

  • Maintaining normal temperature

  • Getting rid of waste through perspiration, bowel movements, and urination

  • Forming saliva and mucus

  • Delivering oxygen throughout the body

  • Helping in food digestion


3. Aids in Weight Loss

A study in 2018 found that middle-aged and older adults that drank 500 ml of water before meals for over 12 weeks lost more weight. Drinking water reduced meal energy intake among the participants. Meaning they felt fuller and their appetite reduced.

 drinking water first thing in the morning helps in wight loss

Drinking water in the mornings is one of the best ways to jumpstart your body. It is essential because it increases your metabolic rate, thus improving your digestive system. Once you have eaten the needed carbohydrates and proteins, they are metabolized and transported with the help of water. Drinking water helps with metabolism.


Consuming water instead of sweetened sodas or juices may also promote weight loss.


4. Promotes Finer Complexion

Your skin is about 30% of water. The water improves the skin's elasticity as well as its resilience. As you drink water first thing in the Morning, toxins are released from your blood. As a result, your skin will have a healthy, radiant glow.

drinking water first thing in the morning promotes a finer complexion


When you drink water first thing in the Morning, your skin becomes less prone to skin problems and premature wrinkles. Increased water consumption causes the hydration of the outer layer of the skin to get better. Not drinking water is one of the causes of wrinkles, deep pores, and dark patches on your skin.


Your water intake habits determine your skin health. Begin your day with a glass of water and boost your skin's beauty and health.


5. Improves Your Gut Health

Drinking water first thing in the Morning is excellent for your gut. Being hydrated may help prevent symptoms of various health problems. Drinking water on an empty stomach flushes toxins from your body and cleanses your bowels.


Individuals who drink more water are less likely to get intestinal infections. Whether you have gut problems or not, this is a considerable cause to drink water in the Morning.


You should hydrate at the correct times for a happy and healthy life. All you need to do is to begin your day with a glass of water. Nonetheless, you should not limit yourself to drinking water only in the Morning. Staying hydrated throughout the day is necessary.

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